Nobody actually talks about racism , only about the ways to fix the atrocities it has caused. But wait, before I proceed I want to say I wrote this page over and over. How do you write about racism without making one or both sides mad? I don't want to make anyone mad, so how to address racism? Racism is ugly, racism is scary, racism is unforgiving. When Blacks are forced to endure and live through racism how could they react with anything but anger? While understandable, anger solves nothing. My first drafts were indiscriminately indicting White people, I can't do that, I don't know all White people. That's when I realized I've never read any books on race, don't know any theories, the only people I ever hear talking about race are usually just yelling. The only way for me to approach racism is to just tell my story, you might not like what I say but you can't say I'm wrong because it happened. With that outlook I can only indict myself, Steve Boynton, because I'm guilty and as I said in the video maybe Robert and D.G. with me. But what makes my story relevant is I believe millions others lived the same story...