Men’s Health
Men don't talk about men's health, we talk about football, politics, the weather ... never about our health. Women talk about their health and are more likely to do something about it if something is wrong. When I told the doctor that my condition had just come on recently, he gave me that "sure pal" look and said it would take years for my bladder to be in the condition it was in. Let's talk about men's health, let's bring it out into the open (you can see I'm not too shy about that). But seriously, I don't want to just talk about this, I want to do something. I am a lucky man to have such a great wife to help me through the tough times, not everyone is so lucky. The catheter has taken things away from me and I want to fight back and the way I can best do that is by helping others. Dealing with our health will be a lifelong struggle but we're not one to back down from a fight. I'll be making more videos and let's all find ways to help. Love You, Thanks.