Larry, Steve (me), and David. Great guys who helped me on multiple projects.
I'm Steve Boynton, my wife, Vicky Bryan and I started Why Not Reach Out a few years ago.
The spark that started the foundation lie dormant for almost 50 years before I realized what my father had really said. The beginning was the quote I refer to in my video "I'm a white guy", when my father told me his greatest accomplishment in life was raising his 5 sons. At the time I didn't get it at all. Wouldn't he try to accomplish something on his own? Little did I realize at the time that this was how he could make his greatest contribution. He was very proud of his sons; one built churches, one a youth minister, a Navy man, a mailman (back when we were proud of our mailperson) and that left me, I was the youngest and still in high school. As I said it took decades but it was like my father came back and said " how many trout do you need to catch, life is bigger than you, issues bigger than yours" and I finally got it, my accomplishments were his accomplishments and deserving so and Why Not Reach Out was born. I was a commercial painter my whole life and while not being a veteran but knowing we owe a lifetime of gratitude to each who has served our country, we decided to start the foundation by painting for veterans. It was such a pleasure to meet each one from POWs, to Purple Heart recipients and nurses. WNRO has done projects for 16 veterans. While carrying on with our veteran programs, we are now expanding WNRO. The 1st new program we are developing is to end racism. I'm not going to fight racism, nobody wins a fight. Let's meet it head on and end it! WNRO has 4 related videos, I wish you would watch. Our other new program will be concerning Caretakers. I capitalize Caretakers because who has a task more important (we're not forgetting you mom), 24/7, total responsibility, WNRO can't change how life is, but with your help we could change afternoons with a much needed break, or maybe they need a little work done around the house, let's show them we appreciate. Through these programs and others WNRO will attempt to do exactly what its name says.
David, pictured above, died from complications of Covid just after Thanksgiving 2021. Don't forget to give loved ones that extra hug, and strangers that extra smile as we all move forward.
Love you man,